3052加速度传感器:The Model 3052 is a piezoresistive silicon accelerometer with integral temperature compensation. It is packaged on a ceramic substrate with an epoxy sealed ceramic cover and is designed for adhesive mounting. The accelerometer consists of a micro machined silicon mass suspended by multiple beams from a silicon frame. Piezoresistors located in the beams change their resistance as the motion of the suspended mass changes the strain in the beams. For uncompensated accelerometers, please refer to the Models 3022 and 3028.
所属品牌: ICSensors
输出: 10~0.2 mV/g
量程: ±2,±5 ,±10 ,±20 ,±50 ,±100
工作温度范围: -40℃ ~ 125℃温度补偿
度:0.5% FSO(非线性)
供电电源:5 VDC
特点:PC板安装,低成本, 内置温度补偿
类型: 单轴加速度计
电气连接: 板载式
典型应用: 振动监控,惯性导航,运动控制,碰撞测试