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ABB电机 www.wx-hl.com www.xmzmotor.com M2SV烟道系列三相异步电动机适合使用在火灾紧急事件发生情况下,排出农烟和高温有害气体,为确保公众的生命财产安全赢得宝贵时间,可广泛使用在隧道、地铁、购物中心、封闭停车场和大型高层建筑设施的消防通风设备。 1、电机符合下列标准 国际电工委员会IEC34、IEC72 澳大利亚标准AS1359-2 英国标准BS4999-5000 德国标准DIN42673 符合欧共体 “CE”标记要求 电机符合GB755(idt IEC 60034-1)、GB10069(neq IEC 60034-9)、Q/JBQS28、GA211 2、合理的结构设计 灵活的引出线方向 电机接线盒的安装方式可在电机顶部、左侧 、右侧,接线盒自身可旋转安装,71-132机座的接线盒可旋转4*90方向。160及以上机座接线盒可旋转2*180方向。用户在订货时必须标明接线盒及出线孔方向。 美观的电机造型 机座散热筋设计成垂直、水平分布,端盖、接线盒、风罩均为全新设计,外形别致美观。  3、优越的电机性能 低噪音、低振动 通过优化设计及工艺的改进,M2SV烟道系列电机在正常温度下噪音、振动有了大幅度降低并达到国际先进水平。 高性能的防护等级 电机的标准设计防护等级为IP55,可按客户要求提供更高要求的防护等级。 适用单频率、宽电压使用 电机设计考虑了不同地区的电压变化,使电机适应多个地区使用,并用户使用性能。 提高绝缘等级,增加电机使用寿命 M2SV烟道系列电机采用了F、H级或更高等级的绝缘结构,从而提高了电机短时高温的使用寿命,增加了电机性。 率 电机采用优化设计,具有较率,可产生可观的节能效果。  4、众多的选择满足各种用户需求 加装热敏电阻 加装防尘密封圈(IP56) 加装加热带 加装防油密封圈 加装注油嘴 特殊轴伸、特殊法兰等各种要求 其它短时高温要求 使用条件:海拔不超过1000M 环温在-15℃-40℃ 电压、频率和工作方式 工作电压:220-240V 380-420V 660-690V 额定频率:50HZ 工作方式:连续(S1) 轴承:日本NSK轴承 绝缘等级:F、H PRODUCT FEATURES M2sv cast iron smoke venting motors are used for extracting smoke and heat under emergency conditions in the ventilation systems in case of fire.Smoke ventilation is needed to secure the public safety in underground or enclosed spaces,such as car parks,shopping center,tunnels and towers. 1.These motors are built to comply with current International Standards. International Electro-technical Commission-IEC34 and IEC72. British Standard-BS5000 and BS4999. Australian Standard-AS1359-0 German Standard-DIN EN 50347. EU directives to fuifill European "CE"marking. 2.These motors are built to comply with current National Standards. GB755 GB10069 GA211 Q/JBQS38 Mechaical Design Terminal boxes Terminal boxes remountde either on the top,or on either side of the motor.The terminal box of motors 80 to 132 can be turned 4×90oand those of 160-315 can rotated 2×180o.To enable the supply of suitable terminations for the motor,please state cable type,quantity and size when ordering. Polished outward appearance The external design of the motors is consistent with the design of the ABB"M2000"Family.The frame,cooling ribs,terminal box and fan cover have been reshaped to meet customer's design preference. Electrical Design Munimum Noise and Vibration levels Careful attention to design and manufacturing details has allowed International Standards to be comfortably met. Mxinmum Degrees of Protection All ABB motors are protected to IP55 as a minimum.Higher levels of protection are available on request. Service and Operating Conditions M2SV motors are designed to be insensitive to wide supply voltage fluctuations. Class F of H insulation offers greater reliability and security. High Efficiency M2SVmotors are designed for high efficiency and low temperature rise giving a long service life and reduced running costs. 如需了解ABB电机 M2SV电动机相关信息请来电咨询! (责任编辑:无锡鸿良自动化设备有限公司)